Porn gay dad

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The podcast began in 2015 and is presented by television writer and director Jamie Morton, digital executive James Cooper, and TV and radio presenter Alice Levine. The special was filmed over two nights in front of a live audience at the Roundhouse theatre in London. On, HBO aired a comedy special of the show which features a 'lost chapter' from one of the books. As of 2021, the series has had over 280 million downloads. Cooper and Levine are hearing the chapter for the first time, whereas Morton usually reads the chapter before recording the episode. Morton, Cooper, and Levine react to the material and provide running commentary. Written by his father under the pen name Rocky Flintstone.

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Each episode features Morton reading a new chapter of an amateur erotic novel, titled Belinda Blinked, My Dad Wrote a Porno is a British podcast hosted by Jamie Morton, James Cooper, and Alice Levine. British comedy podcast My Dad Wrote a Porno

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